| | Jeannie Choe, LM, CPM, IBCLC | | | https://www.eastbaymidwives.com |
| | | | | https://www.evernow.co |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-clinician/jill-m-watt?specialty=Nurse+Midwife&location=Santa+Cruz%252C+CA&zip=&lat=36.9741171&lng=-122.0307963&medical-group=&health-plan=&health-plan-product=#practice-locations |
| | | | | https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/northern-california/northvalley/departments/midwifery-services/ |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/for-patients/womens-mission-bernal-cpmc |
| | | | San Mateo and Santa Clara | https://www.cnma.org/mtm |
| | | | | https://.www.shastamidwives.com |
| | | | | https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-northern-california |
| | | | | https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-pacific-southwest?utm_campaign=planned-parenthood-of-the-pacific-southwest&utm_medium=organic&utm_source=local-listing |
| | | | | |
| | | | | https://www.naomidrucker.com/ |
| | Lilit Baldjyan Sarkissian | | | https://www.losangelesmidwives.com |
| | | | | https://www.amytinney.com |
| | | | | https://www.drsusanneramos.com/?utm_source=gmb_auth |
| | | | | http://www.fhcn.org/ |
| | | | | https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/northern-california/eastbay/departments/midwife-led-care-services-oakland/ |
| | | | | http://www.alamedahealthsystem.org/family-birthing-center/ |
| | | | | https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/northern-california/diablo/locations/walnut-creek-medical-center/ |
| | | | | https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/northern-california/diablo/locations/walnut-creek-medical-center/ |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://www.maringeneral.org/family-birth-center/about-us/our-experts/midwifery-services |
| | | | | https://primawomenandkids.org/ |
| | | | | https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/northern-california/health-wellness/maternity/find-hospital/vallejo/care-team |
| | | | | https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/ncal/providers/kathleenbelzer |
| | | | | https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/northern-california/napasolano/ |
| | | | | https://obgyn.ucsf.edu/san-francisco-general-hospital/midwifery-zsfg |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/for-patients/womens-mission-bernal-cpmc |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-clinician/jillian-cauley#practice-locations |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/for-patients/womens-mission-bernal-cpmc |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/for-patients/womens-mission-bernal-cpmc |
| | | | | https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/ncal/providers/mariakammerer |
| | | | | http://communicarehc.org |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/davis |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/davis |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-clinician/paris-a-maloofbury |
| | | | Yolo, Sacramento, Solano, Placer, Sutter, San Joaquin, | https://www.sutterhealth.org |
| | | | | https://www.eisnerhealth.org/obgyn/ |
| | | | | https://www.eisnerhealth.org |
| | | | | https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/southern-california/west-los-angeles/locations/west-los-angeles-medical-center/ |
| | | | | http://nursing.fullerton.edu/programs/msnwhc/ |
| | | | | https://www.ocwmg.com/our-team/midwives/ |
| | | | | https://www.ocwmg.com/our-team/midwives/ |
| | Charlette J. Withers, CNM | | | https://kp.org |
| | | | | https://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/obgyn/maternity/prenatal/mid/Pages/default.aspx |
| | | | | https://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/obgyn/maternity/prenatal/mid/pages/midwives.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=maternity&gclid=Cj0KCQiAzKnjBRDPARIsAKxfTRCF6O3dZbu45JVZ-Et9xfeDDX30rQJhO497RIvEwk478PkthOxhlSEaAixqEALw_wcB |
| | | | | https://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/obgyn/maternity/prenatal/mid/pages/midwives.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=maternity&gclid=Cj0KCQiAzKnjBRDPARIsAKxfTRCF6O3dZbu45JVZ-Et9xfeDDX30rQJhO497RIvEwk478PkthOxhlSEaAixqEALw_wcB |
| | Rebecca Garrett-Brown CNM | | | https://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/obgyn/maternity/prenatal/mid/pages/midwives.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=maternity&gclid=Cj0KCQiAzKnjBRDPARIsAKxfTRCF6O3dZbu45JVZ-Et9xfeDDX30rQJhO497RIvEwk478PkthOxhlSEaAixqEALw_wcB |
| | | | | http://clinicas.org |
| | | | | https://fcpp-slowomenshealth.com/?utm_source=local-listing&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=website-link |
| | | | | https://www.aimeetomcnm.com/ |
| | | | | https://www.healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/northern-california/health-wellness/maternity/find-hospital/san-leandro/locations |
| | | | | http://www.alamedahealthsystem.org/locations/ |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/services/pregnancy-childbirth/midwives |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/for-patients/womens-mission-bernal-cpmc |
| | | | | https://www.enloe.org/care-treatment/pregnancy-birth/team/midwifery/ |
| | | | | https://www.enloe.org/care-treatment/pregnancy-birth/team/midwifery/ |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/for-patients/womens-mission-bernal-cpmc |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-clinician/christine-r-borden |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-location/facility/mission-bernal-womens-clinic |
| | | | | https://mchcinc.org/services/well-woman-care/ |
| | | | | |
| | | | | https://www.ucsfhealth.org/clinics/obstetrics_gynecology_and_perinatal_specialties_at_mission_bay-fourth_street/ |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-location/facility/mission-bernal-womens-clinic |
| | | | | https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-location/facility/cpmc-birth-center-mission-bernal-campus |
| | | | | https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/northern-california/health-wellness/maternity/find-hospital/vallejo/care-team |
| | | | | https://www.dhs.lacounty.gov/ |
| | LAC+USC Medical Center Nurse-Midwives | | | https://www.dhs.lacounty.gov/more-dhs/departments/womens-health/ |
| | | | | https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/southern-california/facilities/Anaheim-Kraemer-Medical-Offices-300026 |
| | | | | https://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/obgyn/maternity/prenatal/mid/pages/midwives.aspx |
| | | | | https://www.cnma.org/mtm |
| | | | | https://www.santapaulamidwives.com/ |
| | | | | https://www.santapaulamidwives.com/ |
| | | | | http://www.midwifejoanna.com |
| | | | | https://www.homebodymidwifery.com/ |
| | Emunah Elayla (El) Meyer Tarver, LM | | | https://www.emunahmidwifery.com/ |
| | Jeannie Choe, LM, CPM, IBCLC | | | http://www.eastbaymidwives.com |
| | | | | http://restoremidwifery.com |
| | | | | http://novamidwifery.com |
| | | | | http://mountainvalleymidwifery.com/ |
| | | | | https://www.sweetarrivalsmidwifery.com |
| | | | | http://birthingadventures.com |
| | | | | https://www.sacredbodymidwifery.com/ |
| | | | | https://www.nubirthmidwifery.com |
| | | | | http://www.birthstream.com |
| | | | | https://www.maternityhome.net/ |
| | | | | http://www.midwifenerissa.com/ |
| | | | | https://www.socalbirth.com |
| | | | | HTTPS://www.wholisticbirths.com |
| | | | | https://www.empoweredcaremidwifery.com |
| | Lisa Marie Sanchez Oxenham | | | https://www.waterbirth.me |
| | | | | https://www.dosmidwifery.com |
| | | | | http://emergencemidwifery.com |
| | | | | https://www.sweetfernmidwifery.com |
| | | | | https://www.oceanmidwives.com |
| | | | | https://mothertomothermidwifery.com |
| | Mother to Mother Midwifery | | | https://mothertomothermidwifery.com |
| | | | | |
| | | | | https://mothertomothermidwifery.com |
| | | | | |
| | | | | https://www.cmqcc.org |
| | | | | http://sacramentomnm.com |
| | | | San Mateo, Santa Clara, San Francisco, Alameda | https://www.nightingalebirth.com |
| | | | | https://santarosabirthcenter.com/ |
| | | | | https://www.myharmonyhealth.org/ |
| | | | | |
| | | | | https://www.cnma.org/mtm |
| | | | San Bernardino and Riverside | https://www.naturalbirthplace.com/ |
| | Best Start Midwifery Services | | | http://beststartbirthcenter.com |