Organizational Structure
CNMA is run by an 11-member volunteer board, six appointed committee members and involves over 30 active members in our Health Policy and Reproductive Justice & Antiracism Workgroups.
Please reach out to if you are interested in getting involved!
Board of Directors:
President: Elected by the CNMA membership. The president serves a four year term. The first year is as president elect, working closely with the current president. Then they serve two years as president followed by a year as past-president, offering continued guidance and support for the incoming president.
Past-President or President-Elect: See above, in any given year there is either a past-president or president-elect on the board. Past-presidents are non-voting members, while the President-Elect is a voting position.
Secretary: Elected by the CNMA membership. Serves a two year term and is responsible for maintaining affiliate documents.
Treasurer: Elected by the CNMA membership. Serves a two year term and fiscal health of the organization.
Reproductive Justice & Anti-Racism Chair: Appointed by the CNMA Reproductive Justice and Anti-Racism Committee. Serves a two-year term. Responsible for guiding CNMA in our aim to become an organization committed to the reproductive-justice framework and to become and anti-racist organization. Acts as liaison between the Board and the Reproductive Justice Anti-Racism Committee.
Member at large - Representing Underrepresented Community: Elected by the CNMA membership. Serves a two year term. Acts as liaison and represents the interests of a community underrepresented in midwifery and/or on the CNMA board.
Member at large - Representing Underrepresented Community: Elected by the CNMA membership. Serves a two year term. Acts as liaison and represents the interests of a community underrepresented in midwifery and/or on the CNMA board.
Nor-Cal Rep: Elected by the CNMA membership. Serves a two year term. Acts as liaison between CNMA and Nor-Cal Midwives.
Central CA Rep: Elected by the CNMA membership. Serves a two year term. Acts as liaison between CNMA and Central CA Midwives.
So-Cal Rep: Elected by the CNMA membership. Serves a two year term. Acts as liaison between CNMA and So-Cal Midwives.
Student Rep: Position rotates annually between Nurse-Midwifery education programs in Serves a two year term. Acts as liaison between CNMA and So-Cal Midwives.
Health Policy Committee & Workgroup
Reproductive Justice & Antiracism Committee & Workgroup
Appointed Chairs:
Health Policy Committee Chair: Is appointed by the President and serves a two year term. See Health Policy Committee & Workgroup page for more information on this role.
Health Policy Committee Vice Chair: Is appointed by the President and serves a two year term. See Health Policy Committee & Workgroup page for more information on this role.
Membership Chair: Appointed by President to assist in outreach and maintenance of
membership relationships
Website management and design Chair: Appointed by President to develop &
maintain the CNMA website.
Social Media Chair: Appointed by President to develop & maintain the CNMA Social
Media Presence
National Government Affairs Committee Representative: Appointed by President acts as liaison between ACNM National Government Affairs Committee and CNMA