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MEET: Paris Maloof-Bury


SERVICE: In-Hospital

LOCATION: Sutter Davis

Paris Maloof-Bury CNM 3  (1).jpeg

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Paris has been caring for women and families since 2005, and has the distinct honor of serving as the current CNMA President. Before becoming a nurse-midwife, she worked in Telemetry, L&D, high risk antepartum, as a lactation consultant in the NICU and outpatient settings, and as a nurse educator providing labor support and lactation education to staff nurses. She also spent many years as a childbirth educator, running support groups for new mothers, and moderating online breastfeeding support groups. She currently works for Sutter Health in Davis, California, where she provides care for women during pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and the postpartum period, as well as termination, contraceptive, and maternal mental healthcare. 

Paris has enjoyed serving her profession in both leadership and followership positions, locally and nationally throughout her career. She serves as a member of CNMA’s Reproductive Justice and Antiracism Committee and Health Policy Committee, and on the ACNM National Government Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee for Privileging. Early in her career she was chosen for AWHONN’s Emerging Leader Program, served as the AWHONN chapter coordinator for Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, and was co-author of AWHONN's position statement "Continuous Labor Support for Every Woman." She was a contributing writer for the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative's Toolkit on Supporting Vaginal Birth and served on ACOG’s Speaker Bureau, speaking on preventing the primary cesarean section. She is Associate Editor for AWHONN’s Healthy Mom and Baby Magazine. She served as Vice-Chair of the Breastfeeding Coalition of Ventura County, and as their Chair of Policy and Advocacy. She has served on the Maternal Mental Health Coalition of Ventura County, and on the Maternal Mental Health Collaborative of Yolo County. When time allows, she enjoys speaking on labor support and lactation at workshops and conferences across the country. 

Paris believes that every woman deserves gentle, respectful, evidence-based care, and works tirelessly to shape the culture, policies, and paradigms that determine the care we deliver and receive. She currently lives in Sacramento and feels grateful for the ability to spend her spare time lobbying in support of women’s health care and social justice.  

Paris and her husband Lance have two beautiful sons, a dog, a cat, and two fish. They enjoy camping, bike rides, gardening, playing music, and dancing.  


The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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